Cognitive performance test with numerical and verbal content

Unlimited number of items

Time limited test
Time limit: 4 minutes
Processing time: approx. 6 minutes

Inhouse-test with supervision

Home-test without supervision


German, English, Polish, Spanish

other languages on request

Optimized for

desktop, tablet

Career starters

Persons who achieve a high value in this test are able to work concentrated over a longer period of time. 


Z (Z-Score): Standard score in value range 70-130 (M=100, SD=10); PR (percentile rank): Share in reference group with a score that is at most as high.


The test is preceded by an instruction and practice part. After the random entry into the endless item band, the test is then completed within a defined time limit. The evaluation is carried out in the right/wrong format. One task (item) per page is specified, consisting of 2 alphanumeric codes that must be checked for consistency. Editing an item automatically leads to the next item until the processing time ends. 

The language- and culture-free design makes CODES optimal for use in international processes.

Theoretical background

Intentionally focusing on a specific activity or dealing with demanding tasks of varying difficulty requires good concentration. The ability to concentrate is also an efficient estimator of long-term attention for complex and varied stimuli. It is therefore relevant for all activities that require highly concentrated work or involve a high portion of learning. 

CODES combines the advantages of objective, reliable and valid intelligence tests with the advantages of requirement-based work samples. At its core, CODES is a numerical processing speed and concentration capability test. Consequently, the theoretical basis lies in a large number of established intelligence theories. Embedding in a work sample from the commercial professional context simultaneously follows a simulation approach, which leads to increased face validity and acceptance on the candidate side.

Psychometric properties

α = .88

Construct validity
.43 Processing Speed (SPEED)
.48 Numerical Fluency (SEQUENCE) 
.05 Emotional Stability (TAKE5)
-.07 Openness (TAKE5)
.00 Integrity (PIA)

Norm basis
N > 50,000

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